Systam One

Visitor management

Transform your front desk with smart automation and welcome your guests seamlessly.

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What is visitor management?

Visitor management revolutionizes your front desk with smart automation using software and self-service kiosks for tracking and welcoming visitors. It keeps your data secure and compliant with GDPR while saving costs and creating epic encounters.

How it works

Before the

  1. Easy invites using your own calendar
  2. A notification for the visitor with pre-arrival instructions, registration, and needed inductions
  3. Individual PIN code for a smooth arrival

During the visit

  1. Quick sign-in with the PIN code
  2. Badge printing
  3. Notification to the host
  4. A great meeting!

After the visit

  1. Easy sign-out with the visitor badge
  2. Visitor data safely in the cloud
  3. Message to thank or collect feedback

Don’t settle – manage visits with Systam One

The Systam One visitor management solution displays your visitor data on a real-time dashboard. This allows you to manage locations, daily visitor flows, combine data, and configure account settings with centralized control. For your day-to-day operations like inviting visitors, simply use your own calendar as you’re used to. Our automation will take care of everything else on your behalf.

Check all the boxes

Increase safety

Protect people and your premises right from the start. Know who is present on your premises and manage the flow of people. Prepare safety inductions and send emergency notifications.

Boost efficiency

Save time and money by automizing all hosting tasks like pre-arrival messages, sign-ins, and notifications. Create a smooth and seamless visitor flow that makes life easier for you and your visitors.

Protect data

Cover your a** when it comes to audits and regulations. Comply with the GDPR and protect your guests’ privacy. Systam One gives you total control over your visitor data and visibility.

Elevate your brand

Show guests that you care about their experience from the moment they’re invited. Provide a premium, customizable experience while keeping your brand in front – from badges to self-service kiosks.

Not just features, but better experiences.

Automated visitor sign-in

Simple sign-in using a tablet or our dedicated device.

Instant notifications

Automatically notify employees when their guests arrive.

Badge printing

Professional and custom badge creation and printing.


Secure visitor records

Detailed visitor information in case of any emergencies.

Analytics and reporting

Run reports to pass audits and review visitor analytics.

Access control

Utilize integrations to control how visitors access and move around in your premises.

Maximize efficiency and cost savings with automation

Systam One automates the entire visitor path. With our self-service kiosks’ 24/7 operational capability, visitors will have a fast and smooth experience even without front desk personnel. This shift will lead to substantial savings in time and money by reducing the need for manual oversight. Letting your staff concentrate on more meaningful and productive tasks.

Automate your front desk

World of kiosk options

Depending on the setup of your lobby area, you can choose to secure your sign-in with your choice of devices.

Use your own tablet. Or leave the responsibility to us and utilize our dedicated devices with support and remote control.

Not just a tablet but a full self-service kiosk

Systam One visitor management solution is developed in cooperation with the front desk personnel.

Power your front desk with better tools

Systam One dashboard boosts your front desk and provides an easy way of managing visitors and system settings. It enables the signing of arriving and departing visitors, conveying arrival notifications to the hosts, printing out visitor badges, monitoring of induction performances, and exporting of reports.

Try out the dashboard

Complete your visitor experience with mobile-first approach

Our mobile platform streamlines the visitor experience, providing all the necessary tools at your fingertips. Visitors can conveniently enter their information, agree to the terms of visit, and receive a unique PIN code for a secure sign-in upon arrival. Hosts can also send important instructions and updates directly through the mobile platform.

Automate your whole meeting management with One

Why stop at visitor management, when you can achieve so much more with just One click? With Systam One you can welcome your guests, take care of necessary safety inductions, and book meeting rooms at the same time. Without even changing your existing processes. Our smart automation can take care of everything on your behalf. Ready to take the first steps towards taming the meeting madness?

Why Systam One? The complete visitor experience

Discover the versatile power of One

Explore how our visitor management solution can transform different environments across various industries and use cases.

The automated front desk

Don’t let your reception be a bottleneck. Streamline welcome with front desk automation.

A complete visitor experience in One

Get connected and discover the easiest way to invite guests while ensuring a top-notch visitor and brand experience.

Office & multi-tenant buildings

Enable organization-based settings, that will customize your visitor flows even in multi-tenant office buildings.

Food industry facilities

Transform your food industry operations into a recipe for success with automated visitor management and hygiene inductions.

In multi-tenant buildings, companies can customize their visitor paths with modern visitor management software.

Scalable success for any business

For a single site or a hundred, we’ve got you covered. Our solution is designed to take over the world, just like you. As a cloud-based visitor management solution it stores and enables the management of visitor data in a centralized database that can be accessed from any location, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

See how Systam One can help you

Embrace the efficiency of tomorrow’s visitor management solution and schedule a discovery call with one of our friendly specialists today. You won’t regret it.